类别 中国电影 美国电影
本国全年票房占比81.0% 33.0%
本国全年票房占比19.0% 67.0%
From the table given above, we can observe that the box-office revenue of Chinese films and Americans films demonstrates evident distinctions in 2016. According to the data given, the domestic box-office revenue of Chinese films has a large share in China, accounting for 81% of the whole revenue in China. While the domestic box-office revenue of American films in the local market takes away 33.0% of the whole American film proportion.
Such difference may be rooted in the following reasons. First, Chinese film’s main target audiences are those who have solid knowledge of Chinese culture and history. Hardly can the audience understand the plots without Chinese cultural background. Second, American film company has a great advantage at distribution and marketing, they know what their audiences really like after doing a series of serious studies.
Taking into account what has been argued, it is no surprise to see this situation. If the Chinese film maker makes little or no independent reflections on the film’s production, distribution and marketing, the market share of Chinese film will go from bad to worse.
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